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Congratulations to Dr. Yaniv Elkouby from the Faculty of Medicine for being accepted as one of the 24 newest scientists of the EMBO Young Investigator Program!

He was accepted for the program for his research: Cell and developmental biology of oogenesis and ovarian morphogenesis.
Dr. Yaniv Elkouby is a faculty member at the School of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Elkouby established the zebrafish ovary as a new model system to study the cellular mechanisms of ovary development and early egg production. His research employs a multidisciplinary approach to the developing ovary, and he pioneered the view of egg production by advanced quantitative and live microscopy of whole ovaries. His research resulted in several breakthroughs that contribute to our understanding of the earliest stages of egg production, generating knowledge that is directly relevant to human reproduction. He has won numerous grants and awards, including ZCAI Prize for Discovery in Medical Research, HUJI President and Rector Awards for Outstanding Publications, an ERC Consolidator grant, and the EMBO Young Investigator Award. Dr. Elkouby is an elected board member of the Israeli Society of Developmental Biology.
Photo: Cadia Levi
Dr. Yaniv Elkouby in his Lab