Production of video movies
In order to fulfill the specific needs of a course or a lecture, for a teacher or a researcher, the studio can produce videos for the courses both in the preclinical and clinical years as well as videos for medical and scientific presentations.
The Unit has a video and sound studio with the professional equipment necessary for digital photography, sound recording and video editing with graphic facilities including basic animation.
The Unit is able to produce videos which have been recorded not only in the studio, but videos which require recording in lecture halls, research laboratories and clinical settings such as, operating room, trauma unit and different clinics.
Since its foundation, the Unit has produced more than 500 videos and clips.
Editing of existing video material
Various scientific experiments, surgical procedures and different medical interventions are and have been recorded for years in the Faculty. Much of this material is used as part of newly produced videos for teaching and presentations.
The Multimedia Studio gives editing services to teachers, scientists and doctors who have their own videos in any analog or digital format.
Multimedia studio services
In addition of recording, producing and editing videos, the Studio gives many different multimedia services such as: conversion of analog videos to different digital formats, conversion of audio records and audio tapes to digital audio formats, productions of DVD movies from analog and digital materials, production of power point presentations, scanning of photographs and slides, corrections of images in Photoshop and more.
Information on the use of Video in lectures and presentations
The Unit advises and helps teachers, doctors and researchers to improve their presentations and encourage the use of video for teaching and lectures.
Preservation and Restoration of Old Movies
Many old 16mm. films were and are still found in the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Center, Magen David Adom and many other places in Israel. Parts of these films have an historical and educational value (Anesthesia between 1910-1920, Diabetes in the twenties, Rare African maladies, etc.).
During the years we have converted to video (telecine) and more recently digitized these old films. Parts of these videos are presented in different lectures at the Faculty.
Medicine and Science in the Cinema
The use of feature films and TV series in Medical Education is of great importance.
The Unit has made many researches in the relationship between Cinema and Medicine. Part of these researches turned into lectures which have been presented at the Faculty and in many congresses and meetings in Israel and abroad. Parts of these lectures include: The Image of the Doctor in Cinema, Nurses in Cinema, The Brain in Cinema, Psychiatric Treatment in Cinema and many other topics.
Medical Cinematheque
Together with Prof. Yoel Donchin and Prof. Arieh Shalev from the Hadassah University Hospital, the Unit activates a free of charge Medical Cinematheque for educational purposes.
The activities include a lecture and screening of movies of importance in Medicine and Medical Education such as: psychiatric treatments, genius and madness, shelter shock, limited life time and the doctor as a cinematic hero.