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Our Science

The Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is an internationally acclaimed research institution, which provides an environment that fosters pioneering efforts and scientific inquiry. In particular, the Faculty offers the perfect setting for preclinical and clinical researchers to interact, thus facilitating innovative approaches to bio-medical research and health care. Indeed, the diverse and extensive range of research in the Faculty reflects intensive collaborations at both the clinical and the basic scientific le​​vels. Interdisciplinary research focuses on critical areas such as cancer, diabetes, microbiology, infectious diseases, medical neurobiology, immunology, developmental biology, drug design and delivery systems, and bioinformatics.
The Faculty comprises some 600 clinical and preclinical academics and researchers, embodying a wealth of knowle​dge, expertise and commitment. Faculty members collaborate with colleagues from major medical institutions around the globe, and are highly successful in attaining competitive research grants. Their work is frequently published in high-ranking international journals and is widely cited​​. Notably, 12 Faculty members have been awarded the Israel Prize, two are recipients of the prestigious Wolf Prize and 23 received prestigious ERC research grants.
The Research in the Faculty is organized in two research institutes: The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC) that encompasses all research disciplines in the School ​of Medicine and the Institute for Drug Research (IDR) based in the School of Pharmacy.