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IRMM Academic Committee

​In accordance with the regulations of the Hebrew University, the Director of the IRMM reports to a governing academic committee to provide oversight regarding research priorities and fiscal administration.  The members are approved by the University Standing Committee (Vaadat Matmedet).  The IRMM Academic Committee consists of 11 senior faculty members (6 from the Faculty of Medicine and 5 from the IDF medical corps) all of whom hold adjunct faculty positions in military medicine in The Faculty of Medicine of The Hebrew University.

Chairman: IRMM-Academic Committee

Prof. Dan Gilon, MD, FACC, Professor and Director, Non-Invasive Cardiology, Hadassah Ein Kerem


​From the Hebrew University:
Prof. S. David Gertz, MD, PhD, LTC (Res.)
​Director of the IRMM, Head of External Relations for Military Medicine, Brandman Foundation Professor of Cardiac and Pulmonary Diseases, Faculty of Medicine.
Prof. Dina Ben-Yehuda, MD
​Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor of Hematology, Hadassah Ein Kerem.
Prof. Shmuel Heyman, MD, COL (Res.)
​Professor and Chairman (Emeritus), Internal Medicine, Hadassah Mt. Scopus, Former Chief Medical Officer, IDF Northern Command.
Prof. Abraham Domb, PhD, LLB, BG (Res.)
​Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Previous Head of Criminal Identification Division, Israel Police, Past President, Jerusalem College of Engineering.
Dr. Guy Rosenthal, MD
​Senior Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Hadassah Ein-Kerem.
​From the IDF MC:
Brigadier General, Dr. Tarif Bader, MD, MHA
​IDF Surgeon General, Adjunct Clinical Senior Lecturer in Military Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Brigadier General (Res.), Prof. Yitzhak Kreiss, MD, MPH, MHA
​Director General, Chaim Sheba Hospital, Tel-Hashomer, former IDF Surgeon General, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Military Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.
Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Prof. Yuval Heled, PhD, LLB
​Past Commander of Institute for Warrior Medicine, IDF Medical Corps, Adjunct Associate Professor of Military Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.
Colonel Dr. Ram Sagi, MD, MHA, MPS
​Deputy Director General, Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson), Past Deputy IDF Surgeon General
Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Prof. Arik Eisenkraft, MD, MHA
​Immediate Past Deputy Director (IDF) IRMM and former Director of Medical Division, Office of the Assistant to the Minister of Defense for Preparedness, Adjunct Clinical Senior Lecturer in Military Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Dean Nachman, MD, MAJ (Res.)
​Deputy Director (IDF) IRMM