Message from the Chairman
Dear Friends,

It is with great privilege that I write to you as the new Chair of the Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC). IMRIC was established in 2008 with a clear mission of deepening our cellular and molecular understanding of human diseases and translating this knowledge into therapeutic interventions. IMRIC takes great pride in providing preclinical comprehensive and innovative teaching programs to all schools and divisions of the faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. We do this as a joint endeavor of our students, administrative staff, faculty members and friends in the university, in Canada and throughout the globe.
These are exciting yet challenging times for us at the Institute, and I am proud to take part in leading it forward. It is a huge responsibility to which I will be dedicating my time and efforts to keep IMRIC at the forefront of medical research and innovation. IMRIC is a home to vivid scientists and devoted students, all driven by a deep passion to perform cutting-edge research in a wide range of biomedical areas seeking to make ground breaking discoveries to empower humanity. As the Chair of IMRIC, my main effort will be to act as a catalyst to promote its excellence in carrying out ground-breaking research and development. Considering the enormous health and medical challenges we encounter every day, scientists at IMRIC are engaged in wide range of research activities and international collaborations to create broad, interdisciplinary teams, combining basic and clinical research to provide prompt solutions and enhanced understanding of these immediate confronts.
I would like to thank the members of IMRIC for electing me as Chair, a position which I humbly accept, and to express my deepest esteem and appreciation to my predecessor, Prof. Haya Lorberboum-Galski, who completed eight years of outstanding service as IMRIC's Chair.
I look forward to working together with all of you in the months and years ahead to further promote IMRIC's mission.
With all best wishes,