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​Austin Symposium 2024

We are delighted to share that the inaugural gathering of the Pamela and Paul Austin Research Center on Aging, held on June 5, 2024, was a tremendous success. The event, hosted at Rubin Hall, Faculty of Medicine of HUJI, featured a series of eight insightful presentations by members of the Center, highlighting the diverse and groundbreaking research on aging being conducted within. Presenters included Prof. Eli Keshet, Prof. Yuval Dor, and Dr. Milan Parta from the Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research at IMRIC; Dr. Shai Ben-Haim from the School of Public Health; Dr. Mor Nitzan from Computer Sciences and Engineering, Racah Institute of Physics, and the Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Zeev Melamed and Dr. Abed Mansour from the Department of Medical Neurobiology at IMRIC; and Dr. Gali Umschweif-Nevo from the Pharmacy School.
The symposium was further enriched by an engaging presentation from the esteemed recipient of the 2024 Austin Student Scholarship - Ms. Tehila Atlan from the laboratory of Dr. Itamar Harel in the Department of Genetics at the Life Science Institute, and a fascinating keynote lecture by Prof. Valery Krizhanovsky from the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Weizmann Institute.
We invite you to explore a set of photos from the event, capturing the dynamic interactions and vibrant exchange of ideas. For those who could not attend or wish to revisit the discussions, the entire symposium was recorded and is available for viewing.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Pamela and Paul Austin for sponsoring the event, and to all participants and attendees for making it a remarkable success. Your engagement and enthusiasm are invaluable as we continue to advance research on aging.
Stay tuned for future events and updates from the Pamela and Paul Austin Research Center on Aging.
