Current Research
In my current research, I hope to continue to study and contribute to both basic understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease and unmet health needs. The research of post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression is lagging behind other fields in molecular biology, despite obvious translational potential. I believe this is due to the complexity of interactions between RNA-binding proteins, non-coding RNA and their targets. I intend to apply and develop sophisticated tools to decipher the targets and function of RNA-binding proteins, with potential to contribute to the health of kidney patients.
Currently funded projects:
- Bicaudal-C RNA binding protein in human autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ISF grant)
- Serum microRNA as biomarkers in patients with pheochromocytoma (GIF grant)
- MicroRNA in human parasitic infections (I-CORE funding)
- Circulating microRNA for the detection and management of human schistosomiasis (Kamin grant)
- Urine miRNA for the prediction of chronic kidney disease progression (NIH consortium grant through collaboration with the Tuschl lab, Rockefeller University)
- Urine H19 non-coding RNA in the detection of bladder cancer (BioCancell Ltd.)