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Keren De Shalit Fellowship for higher education, Weitzman Institute, Israel, 1977 (while still in high-school)

Dean's List of Students, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 1979

Princeton University Fellowship, 1991-1996

A.W. Mellon Post-enrollment Fellowship, Summer 1997

Bruns Prize, American Society for Literature and Science, 1997

Yigal Alon Fellowship, Israel Academy for Higher Education, 2000-2003 (Declined)

Golda Meir Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002

President's Report, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002

Fellow, Zentrum Für Literaturforschung, Berlin, 19/3-6/4, 2007

President's Report, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2007

Fellow, MPI for History of Science, Berlin, 1-20/9, 2009
