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1985-1988: Post Doctoral Program and Research Associate in Radiobiological Sciences, UCLAMedical Center, Laboratories of Experimental Radiation Oncology. Supervisor: H. Rodney Withers, M.D., D.Sc.,


1980-1985: Ph.D. (Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research) Hadassah Medical School and Institute of Life Sciences, Hebrew University Jerusalem: Dissertation: "Correlation of trace elements content in blood fractions with metastatic spread in malignant diseases" Supervisors:  Z. Fuks, M.D., H. Ginsburg, Ph.D.


1974-1979: M.Sc., (Physiology and Neurobiology), with distinction, Hebrew University Jerusalem.Thesis:" In-vivo analysis of the dissolution of intra-ocular copper foreign bodies; comparison with electroretinography and ophthalmoscopy. Supervisors: A. Weinreb, Ph.D., (Physics) and U. Inon, Ph.D., (Neurobiology).


1971-1974: B.Sc. (Biology), Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 
