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We are recruiting students and postdocs who share our research interests. The key requirements are enthusiasm for the work we are doing and a background in neuroscience.
Our main goals are to understand how chemosensory cues are processed by the neuronal circuits of the vomeronasal system, how this processing leads to particular behavioral/physiological outcomes, and how it is modified by current state and experience. Our primary research approach is electrophysiological recordings (mostly extracellular, but also intracellular) from vomeronasal system structures upon controlled stimulus delivery in anesthetized mice. This approach allows us to quantify neuronal responses in various brain regions under various states.
In addition, we use behavioral analyses (primarily to assess preference and associative learning), as well as optogenetic and molecular approaches to manipulate particular neuronal populations.
A crucial aspect of our work is data analyses. Freedom to ask questions requires proficiency in programming, and we routinely use MATLAB in the lab to process and analyze our data.
Though clearly helpful, previous experience in in vivo electrophysiology, mouse behavior, and programming are not prerequisites, but ability and interest to study these approaches is.