The Gilboa Functional Test (GIFT) (Gilboa, 2017) is a standard, norm-based screening tool that tests functional graphomotor skills and fine motor skills in children aged 3-7, when performing common functional activities in childhood (kindergarten or school). The diagnosis has a minimum of verbal and perceptual requirements, and allows for early detection of developmental delay (Gilboa, 2017)). GIFT has several tasks: (a) copying 9 basic geometric shapes, (b) coloring 3 shapes, (c) cutting 3 shapes, (d) copying / writing the first name, (e) drawing a figure. There is an extended version for ages 5-6 (not included in current norms), which includes two additional tasks: writing the alphabet, and writing the digits 1-10. There is a new version for ages 6-7 that includes 8 tasks: (a) Copying 5 basic geometric shapes , (B) coloring 2 forms, (c) cutting 2 forms, (d) writing the first name, (e) drawing a character, (f) writing the alphabet, (g) writing the digits 1-10, and (h) ) Phonetic writing of 4 words. The raw score consists of a schema of all tool tasks, with a higher score indicating better performance. The transfer time is about 20 minutes.
The diagnosis has norms, based on testing 936 preschool children, which constitute a representative sample of the diversity of the population in Israel. The GIFT passed psychometric tests, and high reliability was found among testers(r = 0.95), and high repeat-test reliability (r = 0.94). The tool also underwent a content validity test for its tasks, using a panel of 33 occupational clinics that rated the relevance of the entire diagnosis and the relevance of each task individually (on a scale of 1-5) as reflecting graphomotor abilities at ages 3-6. 90% of panelists rated the assignments as relevant (score 4 or 5). In a parallel validity test, it was found that GIFT has a significant association with diagnostics: the (r = 0.32, P <0.05) Beery Visual Motor Integration, Beery-Motor Coordination (r = 0.33, P <0.05), the subcategory of fine motor skills in diagnosis The MABC (The movement assessment battery for children)
The tool is available in Hebrew, Arabic and English. A remote version of the diagnosis is currently in validation proceedings.
Gilboa, Y. (2017). Development and initial validation of the "Gilboa Functional Test" (GIFT): A new measure for preschool graphomotor screening.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 80(11):660-667
Turjeman, E., &
Gilboa, Y. (2020). The relationship between graphomotor abilities and executive function in preschool children.
The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy. 29(1) 41-53 (In Hebrew)
Sinvani, R.T ,
Gilboa, Y. (2023) Video-conference-based graphomotor examination for children: A validation study.
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. Link
Sinvani R.T, Golos, A., Ben Aagmi, S. ,
Gilboa, Y.. (2023) The relationship between young children's graphomotor skills and their environment: A cross-sectional study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Link