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Project: Interactions between afferent pathways and pattern generators

Lili Anglister 
Dr. Lili Anglister, PhD
Eran Finkel 
Eran Finkel, MSc

Project: Interactions between afferent pathways and pattern generators

Michael J. O'Donovan 
Michael J. O'Donovan, MD, PhD
George Z. Mentis 
George Z. Mentis, PhD
Dvir Blivis 
Dvir Blivis, PhD

Project: Studies of spinal cord injury patients

Gabriel Zeilig, MD
Boaz Shamir 
Boaz Shamir, MSc, PT
Dept. of Neurological Rehabilitation, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University
STEPS Mobility Rehabilitation, Neurological Rehabilitation Department, The CHAIM SHEBA Medical Center
Avihu Klar 
Prof. Avihu Klar
Yoav Hadas 
Yoav Hadas, MSc