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Matzner H, Zelinger M, Cherniak M, Anglister A and Lev-Tov A. Rhythmogenic networks are potently modulated by activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the rodent spinal cord. J. Neurochemistry, 2021 .DOI: 10.1111/jnc.15354 .
Anglister L, Cherniak M and Lev-Tov A. Ascending pathways that mediate cholinergic modulation of lumbar motor activity. J. Neurochemistry, 142 (suppl. 2):82-89, 2017 .
Cherniak M , Anglister L and Lev-Tov A. Shaping the output of lumbar flexor-motoneurons by sacral neuronal networks. J. Neuroscience, 37:1294-1311, 2017 .
Cherniak M, Etlin A, Strauss I, Anglister L and Lev-Tov A. The sacral networks and neural pathways used to elicit lumbar motor rhythm in the rodent spinal cord. Front. Neural Circuits 8:143. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2014.00143, 2014.
Hadas Y, Etlin A, Falk H, Avraham O, Kobiler O, Panet A, Lev-Tov A, Klar A. A 'tool box' for deciphering neuronal circuits in the developing chick spinal cord. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(19):e148. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku750, 2014.
Etlin A, Finkel E, Cherniak M, Lev-Tov A, Anglister L The Motor Output of Hindlimb Innervating Segments of the Spinal Cord is Modulated by Cholinergic Activation of Rostrally Projecting Sacral Relay Neurons. J. Mol. Neurosci. 53:517-524, 2014.
Finkel E, Etlin A, Cherniak M, Mor Y, Lev-Tov A, and Anglister L The neuroanatomical basis for cholinergic modulation of locomotor networks by sacral relay neurons with ascending lumbar projections. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:3437-5, 2014.
Etlin A, Finkel E, Mor Y, O'Donovan MJ, Anglister L, and Lev-Tov A Characterization of sacral interneurons that mediate activation of locomotor pattern generators by sacrocaudal afferent input. J. Neuroscience, 33:734-747, 2013.
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