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MSc in Biomedical Sciences

Program Highlights

The Graduate program in Biomedical Sciences includes 5 sub-teaching tracks: Biochemistry, Metabolism, and Endocrinology; Cellular Biology, Immunology, and Cancer Research; Human Genetics (and Human genetics – genetic counseling); Microbiology and Neurobiology.
A Course towards an M.Sc degree is offered in this program. The course includes academic courses (28 credits) + lab research concluded by a written thesis (equivalent to an additional 12 credits). (Note: Credits for the thesis will not appear in the student's transcript and the thesis grade will not be calculated according to credits of courses).
Please note that as from the 2024-2025 academic year , new students are required to complete 26 credits in academic courses.
Also offered under Bio Medical Sciences are PhD & Direct PhD courses (upon completing Masters courses and obtaining a certain level of grades and passing examination- see separate link).
Also offered under the program are MD/M.Sc. and MD/Ph.D. degrees (for Israeli MD students only).
For more information regarding the specific programs, contact the student’s secretariat.

Details of Academic Program

The Teaching Division of Biomedical Sciences offers a wide range of specialization tracks, combining research and studies in medical and life sciences with emphasis on understanding the functioning of the human body in situations of health and disease. Graduate studies include Master’s (M.Sc.) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees on a regular or direct track. The program prepares its graduates for teaching and research positions in academic institutions, and research and work in knowledge-intensive industries, hospitals, and healthcare systems.
Areas of expertise include the understanding and translation of the genetic code into development processes, from the molecular-cellular stage to the creation of a complete body, and understanding the functioning of a single cell and of systems of the body. Specialization tracks offered in the Teaching Division of Biomedical Sciences are as detailed below.

Biochemistry, Metabolism and Endocrinology Track (6029)

This track brings together researchers from fields of research dealing with a wide range of clinical and basic topics, who study the control of normal and pathological processes. The track provides students with knowledge of genetic, molecular, and cellular control of processes of development, metabolic processes, clinical nutrition, hormonal control, neural migration, and malignant transformation.

Cell Biology, Immunology, and Cancer Research Track (6028)

The objective of the track is to instruct students in the fields of cell biology, tissue organization control, immunology, and cancer research. The track includes three main areas of research from which students can choose courses: 1. Cell biology. 2. Immunology 3. Cancer research

Human Genetics - research track; genetic counseling track (6026)

The research track trains students in the following areas of study and research:
  • Gene structure and genome structure (DNA, chromatin, chromosomes, and nucleus)
  • Genetic modification (mutation, recombination, transposition)
  • Gene expression and control over it (including the control of cell cycle and differentiation)
  • Genetics of development processes
  • Population genetics
  • Human genetics
  • Application of genetics in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology
The Genetic counselling track (taught in Hebrew only) (applicable as a research or non-research track). Students acquire knowledge in the fields of molecular and human genetics, in clinical aspects of hereditary diseases, and psychology. In addition, the program includes practical training in genetic counseling.
The genetic counseling track opens every other year, and the number of places offered are limited. Candidates with high academic achievements in their undergraduate studies are eligible to submit candidacy and those found suitable will be invited to an admission interview panel.
Students complete the general program in genetics, with emphasis in the areas of molecular human genetics, human cytogenetics, embryology, and psychology.
In addition, completion of the following courses is required: seminar in genetic counseling, laboratory course in laboratory diagnosis and human genetics, and four months of practical genetic counseling. Training in genetic counseling requires clinical experience and training takes place at the Hadassah University Hospital and at affiliated hospitals. Upon completing successfully the 2 years of academic courses and receiving the MSc degree, the students in this track are required to do a two-year internship through the Ministry of Health and after completing successfully the internship and board exams, they are eligible for a genetic counsellor license.

Microbiology Track (6027)

This track aims to train students in research and teaching in fields of science involving medical microbiology, bacteriology, molecular cell biology, virology, parasitology, applied microbiology and biotechnology, genetic engineering, structural microbiology, computer analysis, and bioinformatics. The track offers a curriculum based on a combination of the biological and medical professions. The program provides graduates with broad knowledge on issues that are at the forefront of basic research, both applied and medical.

Neurobiology Track (6020)

This track is engaged in integrative multi-disciplinary research of the brain and nervous system. Participating teachers specialize in research of the brain and nervous system in normal situations and in situations of injury and disease.
The objective is to train students in the basic and medical aspects of research of the human brain and nervous system. Multidisciplinary studies allow a choice of several specialization tracks:
  1. Development of the brain and nervous system
  2. Cellular and molecular processes in the brain and nervous system
  3. Higher functions and neural networks in the brain and nervous system
  4. Disease, degeneration, injury, and dysfunction in the brain and nervous system
The Teaching Division of Biomedical Sciences has two main programs for graduate studies towards Master’s and Ph.D. degrees.

MSc program

The program accepts, students with an undergraduate GPA of 80 and above (Human Genetics track - 82 and above) from a relevant background.
Students accepted to the MSc prog will be eligible to receive a scholarship of 200% per month minimum. Percentage of the scholarship maybe fully granted by the mentor or partial mentor- partial faculty. Please check with the potential mentor.

The Abisch-Frenkel Excellence in Biomedical Research Program

This unique, direct- doctoral program is designed for outstanding undergraduate students. Eligibility to submit candidacy to the program requires a GPA of 90 and above in the candidates BSc degree. Suitable candidates will be invited to a personal interview and exam.
A maximum of 8 students can be considered to be accepted to this program per year. Students accepted into the program receive a high scholarship and coverage of their MSc tuition.
At the end of the first year of studies (Masters) the student is required to complete 25 credits with a GPA of no less than 90 and to successfully pass a screening examination. After completing successfully these terms, the student can transfer to the direct PhD track.
During the PhD years, students in this program also receive a high scholarship and enjoy priority in the assignment of teaching positions.
For questions and clarifications, please contact Ms. Laura Brendel​ in the students office 

Research Proposal

As from the 2022-23 academic year, each 1st year graduate student (in the regular program and in the designated programs for direct-PhD), will submit, at the end of the first year (i.e by the end of two semesters), a research proposal that will include the following points: Title, Introduction, Research question(s), hypothesis and specific aims, Expected Significance, Experimental design, Preliminary results – optional, References.
The proposal will be submitted on a designated form that will include all the above sections and will have a word limit (the total proposal should reach around 3-4 pages). The proposal form will be sent to students and supervisors.
The proposal will be reviewed under the student’s track, and the student and supervisor will receive feedback on the proposal.
The purpose of submitting the research proposal is to ensure that each student has a clear and focused research project as well as a work plan by the end of the first year, and to pinpoint problems, if they surface at this stage. Thus, if problems occur, it will be possible to overcome them at an early stage rather than at the final stages of the degree. Writing the research proposal will also provide the student experience in academic writing.

Sub Teaching Divisions

  • Biochemistry, Metabolism and Endocrinology program (6029)
  • Cell Biology, Immunology, and Cancer Research program (6028)
  • Human Genetics program: research track; genetic counseling track (6026)
  • Microbiology program (6027)
  • Neurobiology program (6020)


Details of all the courses can be found in the yearbook, updated annually

Admission Requirements

For M.Sc degree- An undergraduate GPA of 80 and above from a relevant field (Natural Sciences, Bio-Medicine, etc.)


Genetic Counselling - An undergraduate GPA of 85 and above from a relevant field
Abisch-Frenkel - An undergraduate GPA of 90 and above from a relevant field
For Foreign candidates - Further information on admission requirements can be found on the overseas students website

Information on Stipends

Contact the Faculty


Candidates with BSc degree from an Israeli Academic Institute are required to register via 2 websites:
General registration via General registration Website
Internal Faculty Registration via Internal​ Faculty Registration Website
Candidates with a BSc degree from a Foreign Academic Institute are requested to apply via the overseas admission office

List of Researchers

Program Officials

Prof. Itamar Simon - Chair, Bio-Medical Sciences Teaching Division

Sub Teaching programs

Prof. Ronit Sharon - Chair, Biochemistry, Metabolism and Endocrinology program
Prof. Oded Behar - Chair, Cell Biology, Immunology, and Cancer Research program
Prof. Dror Sharon – Chair, Human Genetics program research track, genetic counseling track
Prof. A. Warburg - Chair, Microbiology program
Prof. A. Binshtok - Chair, Neurobiology program

Contact us

Bio-Medical Sciences Students Office - Rooms 2206+2208, 2nd Floor, Dean Bldg. Faculty of Medicine.
Tel: 02-6758186, 02-6757526
Fax: 02-6757529