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​IMPH Alumni 2013/2014

Each year, the IMPH course closes with an inspiring and emotional Graduation Ceremony, and 2013-2014 was certainly no exception.  Our graduation was held on September 15th at the Seligman Auditorium on the Ein Kerem campus. Greetings were given by representatives of Hadassah, The Hebrew University, The Faculty of Medicine and MASHAV.
Our class reps, Ehima Sosa (Guatemala) and Nathan Reynolds (USA), summed up the year from the students' perspective.
Dr Kandyang Jansuk of South Sudan graced us with a poem he wrote, and the entire class joined in singing a song (Salaam, Shalom) accompanied by drums and guitar.
They also prepared an entertaining film highlighting their teachers and experiences in the IMPH.
We were fortunate to have representatives of all our sponsors and donors present. The keynote speaker was Dr Anna Marzec-Boguslawska, Director of the National AIDS Program in Poland. Anna is an IMPH alumna from 1999. She gave an inspiring lecture integrating her professional experience on the world stage, with lessons that she learned from the IMPH. She also met with faculty and students as well with the Interim Director-General of Hadassah, Prof. Tamar Peretz Yablonski and members of the Infectious Diseases Dept. prior to delivering her keynote speech.